Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Internet and Journalism

The coolest image of a journalist I can think of.    
Traditional media and journalism has taken a HUUUUGE hit since the introduction of the internet and with it social media websites. Journalism, in its rawest form, is basically "the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media". A journalist would be one who does the collecting and interviewing of people for information, and then editing and publishing it to the general population. 


Yes journalism in the past required the collecting and collation of information to be then disseminated to the public for reading. However, one limited drawback of traditional journalism was that it was basically a one-way means of communication; from the printing press to the public. There was basically no channel for feedback or communication. Also, traditional media was solely limited to where you could get the nearest newspaper or television set. There was limited availability as to where you could get your information from. Those who could not afford such luxuries were thus denied the basic privilege of general information and knowledge.

Lets hope free internet journalism doesn't come to an end.

So how did the internet change all that? Before we delve into the benefits of the internet as a means of journalism, let us all agree on one thing: we love free stuff right? Well, the internet as a whole is technically free to whoever has access to a router and decent internet connectivity. Reading up on news online is therefore free to everyone who has internet connectivity. I don't know about you, but that sounds like a freaking deal to me. 60 cents for a set of newspaper when I can go online and read about the exact same thing, perhaps even more?? Screw that, hand me a computer.

Another good advantage of having digital journalism, as it is more commonly referred to on the internet community, is the added benefit of accessibility. In the past, you had to physically obtain a copy of the local paper to be updated on the latest happenings, which to some people seemed a bit of a bitch (because money, mostly). 

Convenience is also another good point about internet journalism. you can literally use your phone and surf the net for news and any interesting happening around your locality. Stomp citizen journalism is an example of the convenience of digital journalism. Anyone can snap a photo at anywhere at ANYTIME and then upload it to the website for all to see. However this ultimately results in people uploading rubbish like soldiers sitting on trains and the like. Really sad stuff.


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