Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Wow, I never thought I'd reach this point at all. Finally, dearest readers, it is time to hang up my coat and leave this vast library of information I'd like to call my COM125 blog. it has been such an awesome time of learning and sharing amongst all of us. I feel myself tearing up.

Hontou desu ka?

Aside from the near-obvious fact that this course teaches us about the origins and use of the internet, I feel that being in this class has really opened my eyes to the wonders of the modern world. How a top-secret government project could be transformed to a global phenomenon, connecting people from all parts of the world together almost instantaneously.

I also learnt that like most people, I have taken the internet for granted. True, I was born in the dial-up link era, but still i had access to decent internet connectivity. We all think that the internet is an inherent right for now, but what if it hadn't been invented? I bet my bottom dollar half of the inventory you currently have wouldn't even exist right now.

SO lets end this chapter with a thought: would we as a species progress further with the innovations of the internet, or regress into the Stone Age?

I bid you adieu.

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